reiki courses
Reiki Healing helps us to connect with the deepest part of ourselves, our spiritual essence.Becoming a Reiki Healer
Reiki healing is one of several forms of energy healing which have become available over the past 30 years in the western world. Reiki Healing is taught in a manner which differs from other healing modalities in that the Reiki healing energy is awakened in the student through an initiation process performed by the Reiki Teacher during the training. In the tradition to which I belong there are three levels of training which correspond to the three degrees of Reiki Healing.
First Degree
First degree training opens up the channels of Reiki energy within the student and allows them to channel this energy for healing of themselves and other people. First degree Reiki Healing focuses primarily on the physical body and awakens the student to the spiritual dimension within.
Second Degree
In this training, students who have completed the first degree course receive a further Reiki attunement which allows them to work with particular Reiki symbols used in second degree Reiki healing. Second degree Reiki healing focuses on the healing of mental and emotional dimensions of reality. The symbols students receive in second degree training have many functions including a unique method of distance or absent healing. They are also used in healing of the mental and emotional dimensions of reality.
Third Degree
This programme is for people who wish to deepen their understanding of the Reiki healing system.
This training focuses primarily on personal and spiritual development of the person. It is the basis for the Reiki teacher training programme.
Reiki Second Degree Intensive Courses
Intensive courses in Second Degree Reiki Healing are offered from time to time. Please contact me for details.
If you wish to train as a Reiki Teacher in this tradition, please contact me.
At each degree of training, there is an expansion within the person’s energy field which grows as the person works with symbols and the techniques offered. A 3 months period is recommended between first and second degree training courses. At least one year of working with Reiki Healing is recommended between second and third degree courses. Each of these trainings allow for a greater awakening and awareness of the unbroken wholeness of the universe and of unity consciousness.
Dolores also facilitates one to one sessions. If you wish to book a session, please contact me.
I am Blessed to have received my initiations and attunements into Reiki by Dolores. Dolores’ passion for Reiki, for life, her values, morals, innovation, deep wisdom and extensive knowledge coarse through the veins of her teachings. She conducts herself, her practice and teaching with absolute modesty. I will be forever grateful to Dolores Whelan for opening my heart and mind to the meaning of Life, and to live it with Reverence. She is an incredibly unique Teacher and Mentor.

There is a field beyond right and wrong doing I will meet you there.
Dolores’ Journey with Reiki
Reiki Healing found me in 1993 while I was recovering from a broken ankle. During that time two friends called in and offered to channel Reiki healing for me to support the healing my ankle. A few days later I received two letters from different people offering Reiki training courses .
I felt intuitively drawn to Brigitte Zeigler Reiki teacher from Munich so I wrote inviting her to teach in the Iomlanu Centre Dundalk. She was a brilliant teacher and really embodied the Reiki healing energy and I developed a great love of Reiki healing energy I have been working with Reiki healing since that time.
Reiki has been a constant part of my life over 25 years. I trained as a Reiki teacher with Brigitte and began to teach Reiki in 1999.
For me teaching Reiki is different from teaching any other courses.
It is not only about passing on the knowledge, it also includes experiencing the special energy field associated with this healing modality.
“Dolores is a wonderful Reiki Teacher! – Brigitte Zeigler, Meditation teachers and Reiki Master teacher.