The Power of Conscious Choice
Over many years of facilitating personal growth and empowerment workshops, I discovered 3 essential words or concepts that when embraced by a person or group leads to their empowerment. These words are Awareness, Choice and Responsibility.
People so often say “But I have no choice”. They really believe this to be true! Yet this capacity to make choices is present within the hearts and mind of each human being just waiting to be evoked
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To access the power of choice, we need also to embrace the qualities of awareness and responsibility. Developing these three aspects creates a person capable of responding to all of life’s situations in a positive life enhancing way.
This power to make choices becomes stronger each time it is used, until it becomes a natural way for us humans to respond to life in each moment. This results in a person becoming more empowered and more in charge of their experience of life.
This course will :challenge the underlying belief systems that suggest that human beings cannot make choices and Suggest practise that support each of us to consciously make choice in our lives and become empowered people.
Awakening the Creative Spirit
The universe and everything within it is constantly evolving and creating newness.
We as humans also have to be creative and to evolve into our fullest potential!
Creativity cannot be confined to the professional artist, nor considered a luxury for the few. Each of us is called to add our unique gift to the symphony of life!
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How do you tap into the deep well of your creative energy?
Cosmologist Brian Swimme asks “How do you awaken your creativity?” His answer:
“By responding to the allurement that calls you to follow your passions and your interests”
This course offers insights into how to:
- Connect with your creative spirit
- Challenge the negative voices that insist you have nothing to offer
- Support you to bring your unique gifts into your world
“You must give birth to your images .They are the future waiting to be born… fear not the strangeness you feel. The future must enter into you long before it happens. Just wait for the birth, for the hour of new clarity”
Deep Ecology
“The essence of Deep ecology is to ask deeper questions. We ask which society, which education, which religion is beneficial for life on the planet as a whole and then we ask what we need to do in order to make the necessary changes “
– Arne Ness
Deep Ecology explores environmental and ecological issues in a radically different way. It sees the human being as an insider rather than an outsider. Deep ecology emerges from a belief that we, humans, are inextricable linked to and are part of a greater whole. From this perspective making ecological choices is not seen as a burden but as the natural way to live in order to ensure the health of the whole.
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This shift requires a change in identification from the Ego self to the Ecological self. A study of deep ecology has the potential to open us up to what is needed in this time so that we can choose life not death and be a part of building a life enhancing society for future generations.
The Work that Reconnects
We live in a time of a planetary crisis and opportunity.
A paradigm shift is underway as we humans wake up to the realization that our needs can be met without destroying our world
Joanna Macy refers to this as the Great Turning and describes it as “the essential adventure of our time: the shift from the industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization.” Joanna is the root teacher of the Work That Reconnects, known worldwide for empowering activists in social and ecological justice.
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The WTR is a ground-breaking theoretical framework for personal and social change, as well as a powerful workshop methodology for its application. This dynamic, interactive body of work has inspired many thousands of people to engage wholeheartedly in the Great Turning. It brings a new way of seeing the world as our larger living body, and frees us from the assumptions and attitudes that now threaten all life on Earth. Learn how to turn despair and apathy in the face of overwhelming social and ecological crises into constructive, collaborative action.
In this workshop, we will move around the Spiral of the Work That Reconnects, (Coming from Gratitude, Honouring our Pain for the World, Seeing With New Eyes, Going Forth) with experiential practices, music, prayer and poetry. Come to be renewed and refreshed as we build community and turn despair in the face of over whelming social and ecological crises into collaborative action. Dolores trained with Joanna Macy.
The Celtic spiritual tradition is a powerful underpinning for this work.

“Our children need to learn not only how to read books composed by human genius but also the Great Book of the World Reading this Great book is natural to children “