Winter Solstice December 2021 

Winter Solstice December 2021 

Greetings from Ireland as we enter into the portal of the winter solstice (Grianstad  an  Gheimhridh), which  lasts for  3 days and 3 nights.  In the northern hemisphere the winter solstice  is the time when darkness dominates and yet...
Samhain Blog 2021

Samhain Blog 2021

Greetings from Ravensdale at the foot of the Cooley mountains in Ireland. We are at this moment in time crossing over into the season of Samhain and transitioning from the end of the old year to the beginning of a brand new year,   Samhain is a crucially important...
Recent, current and upcoming events

Recent, current and upcoming events

Upcoming Events ⬙ June – 2nd June – Bardic Summer school Bard Mythologies – 14th June – Dolores Speaker on Mari Kenney’s Celtic Wheel (Closed event) – 20th June – Dolores will be speaking at Sovereignty Convergence summer solstice...