Bealtaine 2012

Bealtaine 2012

... the sun meets the water at sunrise at Bealtaine Dear friends, Greetings.  Bealtaine has finally come to Ireland! Bealtaine, the second most important festival of the Celtic calendar after Samhain, marks the passing from the dark inwardly focused to...

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Imbolc 2012

Imbolc 2012

Already, we in Ireland can see a stretch in both the mornings and evenings, assuring us that the time of the greatest darkness of winter is over and that spring is already on its way. The ancient Celtic festival of Imbolc, in early February, marks the beginnings of...

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Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Welcome to this beautiful, challenging and special time of the year…This is the time, when in the northern hemisphere, darkness triumphs over light, night triumphs over day. This is a time of surrender into the darkness of the void, where all possibility resides...

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Blog for website Samhain 2011

Blog for website Samhain 2011

My name is Dolores Whelan and I want to welcome you to my first ever blog.  This feels like an exciting new adventure for me one I hope that you will also enjoy. Welcome to the Celtic New Year which begins with the Season of Samhain. The festival of Samhain which...

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