Spring Equinox Blog 2017

Spring Equinox Blog 2017

We have just passed through the Spring Equinox.  Now it seems certain that Spring has arrived and that the new life, which emerged from the darkness of winter at Imbolc (Feb 1st), will continue to grow unfold and blossom into full potential as the year unfolds...

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Winter Solstice Blog

Winter Solstice Blog

Yesterday on Dec 22nd I made my annual pilgrimage to Newgrange (Bru an Boinne) to witness and celebrate the Winter Solstice 2016 with those gathered there.  This year’s pilgrimage was very special for me because it was the 30th anniversary of my first...

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Samhain Blog 2016

Samhain Blog 2016

Samhain came swiftly in Ireland this year. It followed a few weeks of warm sunny autumnal weather which created a stunning array of burnt orange and golden yellow foliage and that sense of mellow fruitfulness  and completion.  Then suddenly it was...

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Summer Blog 2015

Summer Blog 2015

Breathing in the May blossom penetrates my soul   Breathing out my breath is fragrant with sunshine and hope.  Leonie Baldwin It is almost the end of May and the Hawthorn trees (also known in Ireland as the May) are finally coming into blossom.  A sure...

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Easter and Bealtaine Blog

Easter and Bealtaine Blog

In the Celtic Christian tradition, Easter and Bealtaine celebrations were often similar. The festivals were closely linked in both linear time and spiritual and agricultural significance. As a child growing up in Ireland, Lent and Easter were very significant events....

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Spring Blog 2015

Spring Blog 2015

It is a beautiful bright frosty morning in early March.  I have just returned from a walk up the mountain road beside my home in Ravensdale near Dundalk.  Over the past year, I had avoided walking this road because I thought it was too steep for my fitness...

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Easter and Bealtaine Blog

Easter and Bealtaine Blog

In the Celtic Christian tradition, Easter and Bealtaine celebrations were often similar. The festivals were closely linked in both linear time and spiritual and agricultural significance. As a child growing up in Ireland, Lent and Easter were very significant events....

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The Journey from Samhain to Winter solstice

The Journey from Samhain to Winter solstice

The period from Samhain (Nov 1st) until the Winter Solstice (Dec 21st ) is probably the most challenging time  of the year for  many people living in the Northern  hemisphere. Yet within the Celtic yearly calendar this time is hugely significant, in...

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Autumn and Harvest Time 2013

Autumn and Harvest Time 2013

Harvest Goddess, Mary McCabe Autumn and harvest time is a joyful time where we can celebrate the fruits of our labour and our journey in time with the passing of the seasons of the earth as the earth yields its bounty.  This...

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Easter 2013

Easter 2013

Easter is a time of re-emergence, a time of joy and hope for what may emerge as the year unfolds. Easter is closely connected with the Spring Equinox, which in the northern hemisphere is around 21st March. It is Spring time and the earth is re-awakening after the...

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Samhain 2012

Samhain 2012

Welcome to the season of Samhain – the beginning of and the first season of the Celtic year. This year the actual New Year begins November 13th on the new moon. In Ireland most people  celebrate Samhain, especially its  association with the ancestors,...

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Lughnasadh 2012

Lughnasadh 2012

In Ireland summer ends officially around August 15th and yields to the season of Lughnasadh. The festival of Lughnasadh, which in ancient times lasted for two weeks, marks the beginning of this season. In earlier times in Ireland, Lughnasadh was a gathering time...

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