Harvest Goddess, Mary McCabe angel.light.paintings@googlemail.com
Autumn and harvest time is a joyful time where we can celebrate the fruits of our labour and our journey in time with the passing of the seasons of the earth as the earth yields its bounty. This year, in Ireland, we had a wonderful warm summer with lots of light, which lifted our hearts and our spirits greatly after several dark and dreary summers. It reminded me of summers long ago or perhaps of childhood summers which in my memory were filled with long, warm sunny days!
In autumn, we humans, also celebrate the harvest in our lives! So at this time you might wish to reflect on “What has come to fruition within your life?”
What new talent have you discovered in yourself and nurtured in yourself these past few months? What qualities in yourself are you honing? I recently read the following line “collaborations are the greatest multiplier of intelligence”.
So what new friendships or collaboration are you nurturing?
At harvest time the wheat and corn is separated from the chaff which is then thrown away or burned so that its energy can be transformed into a more useful form. So what chaff in your life needs to be thrown away so that you can really see and celebrate the wheat and corn in your life? Are you willing to let go with love of those tasks, concerns and people who no longer support your higher purpose and make room for the new?
As we continue to engage with our own lives and the life of our community and society, we each find the way to hone our special gifts and talents and use them in the service of the evolution of life and consciousness at this time on the planet.
On Sunday 8th September, I was part of a wonderful new adventure organised by Trailblaze in Dublin.
It is a Trilogy called Rites of Passage, the first evening explored “Evolving our Past”.
It will continue this Sunday 15th Sept with “State of the Nation” and on Sunday 22nd Sept with “Tour guides for the future”. Check it out on Trailblaze Rites of Passage at Dublin Fringe Festival.
Sunday 22nd September is special for me because Matthew Fox, radical Theologian, will speak in Trinity College at 11.00am that Sunday. Bookings on Dublin fringe Festival. He is also one of the speakers at Rites of Passage that evening, also in Trinity College Dublin. I met Matthew fox 30 years ago this month and studied at his Institute in California for 2 years, which radically changed my life. I am excited to welcome him back to Ireland so he can again be a wonderful catalyst for change.
We are living in amazingly potent times each of us with a unique opportunity to contribute to the present evolution of consciousness.
James Joyce in Portrait of an Artist as a young Man speaks of this challenges:
“Welcome Of Life!
I go for the millionth time into the reality
To forge in the smitty of my soul
The uncreated conscience of my race.”
May each of us be blessed as we take our place in this Epic Journey.
Le beannachtai